Man those little kids ran me ragged today! I knew I would be tired, and as soon as we got home I just crashed. I have managed to do a load of laundry, and hang a finished load up, which is more housework then I thought I'd do today :) I haven't finished cleaning up from dinner yet but that can wait. The dishes ain't going nowhere :Grins:
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Migraines suck. Big huge gigantic time. :sigh: But apparently they make me popular lol. I got more phone calls today then I have in a while lol. One of those I need to return tonight, the other two will likely wait till Sunday. They are work related, but I didn't get to answer them today due to work/sickness...and since the two people are
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I think I've lost some it Saturday already? At least I don't work tomorrow...that'll be nice :) I think we're rearranging the whole apt tomorrow though! Oy!
Since I missed Friday, I'm going back to do the friday fives. Cause I can :)
WHEEEEEEEEEEE! I HAVE A NEW IPOD 60G IN BLACK! And Stephen has a new computer. :Grins: Well, really it's a desktop for both of us, but really it's going to be more his toy then mine :) Did I mention I got an IPOD!! I didn't really want an Ipod Ipod, but what I really wanted isn't available in the US yet, or likely ever :pouts: I was all proud
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